I have a feeling this blog is going to be my main way of
procrastinating as I really ought to be packing for uni but instead I felt I’d
tell everyone how much I’m loving this sunshine (which is fast disappearing
behind a blanket of cloud as I write this...). After two weeks of getting up at
5 every morning I found that I couldn’t sleep beyond half 7 this morning so
thought a walk to the village to pick up the newspaper was a rather lovely
idea, and, I must admit (shockingly) I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.
I was rather antisocial by listening to my iPod but sometimes a soundtrack
really makes walking up that ridiculously steep hill a little bit easier
(although I did nearly start singing and dancing at one point just as a dog
walker came towards me; maybe shouldn’t get a label as the village nutter!).
Anyway thoroughly enjoyable as it was I did manage to overdo it somewhat and as
a consequence have had to go and hunt out the paracetamol to try and soothe my
aching legs!
Butterfly cake!!!!!!! <3 |
A little bit later now and despite still having not packed I
am really rather happy as I’m getting to spend time with my old friend Caitlin
after an evening of baking and rose wine. Nothing is as satisfying as making
chocolate orange butterfly cakes! If anyone fancies having a go at these I used
this basic fairy cake recipe from the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/fairycakes_93711,
substituting the vanilla essence with orange essence. The icing was more trial
and error to be honest but I used a basic butter icing recipe and added melted
dark chocolate and cream to it. Lush...although we do both feel a little bit
sick from eating too much cake mix and icing!
Listening to the new(ish) Florence and the Machine album
with hot drinks now (Caitlin’s occupied herself with a Sudoku while I bore you
all with my inane chatter!). This is the first time I’ve really listened to
“Ceremonials” and I love it (I fell in love with it at the first song);
definitely recommend it if you haven’t had a chance to listen to it. My other
obsession of the day has to be Vanilla Redbush tea with honey; normally a
dedicated “builder’s tea” drinker (two sugars and strong!) I found myself
without teabags during my lambing placement and the dairy student who I was
sharing a flat with was kind enough to give me a couple of hers. It’s got quite
a subtle flavour and it smells heavenly; it won’t be replacing my daily cups of
tooth rotting sugary tea but it makes a nice change in the evening when I need
to unwind!
The lovely Caitlin being intellectual and doing a Sudoku...bloody brainy woman! |
Anyway I think that’s enough for the evening as tomorrow
Caitlin and I are off to the Point to Point. I shall have to do an entry with
all our adventures there and lots of photos but for now Goodnight, Sleep Tight
and Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite!!!!
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